The Perfect School
by Jim Rosborg, Glenn Max McGee, Jim Burgett

What Every Superintendent and Principal Needs to Know
by Jim Rosborg, Glenn Max McGee, Jim Burgett
From three brave voices in the trenches come more healthy, easy-to-apply, straightforward school leadership ideas and practices than from any other book in print. No-nonsense, often funny advice about what works, what never did, and what you can do to put your school(s) and yourself atop the excellence pile, modestly or raucously crowing Three of Illinois top educational leaders Jim Rosborg, Max McGee, and Jim Burgett offer 328 pages of advice that includes lreadership, ethics, communications, trust, teachers, assessment even personal hygiene, getting those irksome referenda passed, and what to say to the press, and when. It is simply a must for every school administrator.

Mid-States Benchmarking Consortium
by Glenn Max McGee
From Distress to Success: Policies and Practices to Support Student Well-Being
Experts agree that anxiety is reaching near-epidemic levels among young people, with as many as one in eight children — and 25 percent of teens — contending with diagnosable anxiety disorders.

Success in High-Needs Schools
by Glenn Max McGee
How often have we heard educators and policy makers proclaim that we need a “laser-like focus” on improving student achievement so students are college and career ready? Whether or not this focus is producing the desired results is arguable as improvements and academic gains are far more episodic than systemic. Ironically, these lasers had induced temporary blindness to deeply understanding and actively addressing many of the social-emotional obstacles our middle and high school students face today that need to be surmounted in order for our children to become college and career ready. If, however, we can provide these students with guidance and support to develop their internal assets and tap external resources to face and tackle these challenges, it is highly likely their achievement will improve.